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Happy 11-17 Day!

November 17, 2010

diversions: eleven-seventeen day

eleven-seventeen day

Seeing as it’s November 17th and our name is eleven-seventeen, it just makes sense that we should declare this World 11-17 Day in our honor!

How you choose to celebrate 11-17 day is up to you, but we recommend some of the following:

  1. Perform art on a highway (preferably our namesake Hwy 11-17) – draw/paint, dance, roadside theatre, music… whatever.
  2. Hug someone who needs it.
  3. Give a gift that didn’t cost any money, like something you found, or made from something you found.
  4. Smile.
  5. Make a meal made as much from scratch as possible, as local as possible.
  6. Sit outside and do nothing, or have a nap.
  7. Code an application that helps people and give it freely.

If you do these things already, well then every day is 11-17 Day for you!

Thanks to our friend Paul Acree for the inspiration! //

7 comments on “Happy 11-17 Day!”

  1. Ben says:

    You guys rock… 🙂

  2. Paul Acree says:

    Paul Acree is available for inspirational services, witch doctoring and cheerful nonsense for your institution whenever he’s not confined to his.

  3. Paul Acree says:

    Let’s all celebrate Eleven Seventeen Day with an Eleven Seventini. Now I just have to figure out what that is. Something to do with vodka and vermouth, anyway.

  4. Daniel says:

    @Ben – don’t you mean “We” rock? 🙂
    @Paul – you bet. We’ll think of something together.

  5. anthony says:

    awesome stuff Daniel. A great day to celebrate! 11-17

    On a sad note, my dad died on highway 11-17 in 1996…Today is the National Day of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims in Canada. http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/roadsafety/safedrivers-trafficsafety-hookedonroadsafety-awareness-574.htm

    …so for me, its also a day to remember!

    All the best!

  6. Daniel says:

    @Anthony – Thank you! A day of remembrance is perfectly appropriate, as it is a day of taking stock and putting a priority on things of true value… friends, family, health, love and life! Here’s to your dad. 🙂

  7. Ian Paul Freeleigh says:

    That sounds like a great idea! It’s too bad I missed this last year, but I’ll be sure to at least enjoy a Slurpee the next time it comes around.
